Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A New Day


Little boys can be loud, obnoxious, and at times, (to use the scientific term) downright 'toots'. There are, however, moments when such sounds are music to the ear. That was the case with Josh this morning, who woke up full of sound and full speed ahead, and maintained the volume and energy level all day long. It was an amazing comeback reminiscent of Oracle Team USA overcoming an 8-1 deficit to beat Emirates Team New Zealand in the 2013 America's Cup, the Super Bowl of sailing. Josh bounced back today from the past two days' vacillating between appearing comatose one moment and being doubled over in abdominal agony the next. His only set back came mid morning, but it only lasted a few minutes. In fact, Josh was so close to normal, that today actually felt like vacation. We hit the activity smorgasbord hard, including extended pool time, miniature golf, bean bag toss, horseshoes, frisbee, and a day ending ice cream run into nearby Gordonsville. 

God certainly created us resilient, and the ability to bounce back is one of His greatest gifts to mankind.  This holds true with man's spirit as well as his body. Who among us hasn't needed to say with the prodigal more often than we'd like to admit, "I will arise and return to my father"?  Thank God that mercy never fades and each new day is exactly that--new.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 
(2 Corinthians 4:16, NIV)

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