Thursday, March 27, 2014

Frame It With Actions

I have some things to say, but preferably not with words. They may not matter in the grand scheme of things, but they do matter to me on the smaller scale of life lived at this very moment. Mine are not pious proverbs of lofty ambition; these are the grit of decision in the daily grind, the fabric of what makes me me and not someone else. I ask only that my life speaks clearly of values adopted, truth accepted, direction charted, doctrines held sacrosanct. Orthodox or unorthodox, this is the stuff of my beliefs, but belief and behavior should always be compatible.  I have not closed the door of my mind; instead, I choose to frame it with actions that provide a stable place from which others may consider the authenticity and import of what I say. You need not agree with me on all points or at any point, but I pray that the force of a life well lived will convince you to at least listen for a moment. Perhaps for that one brief moment, you may consider the Truth that sculpts the truth I live.

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