Thursday, June 05, 2014

Quiet Resolve

If you ever hear me say, "I'd like to..." or "I wish I could...", just ignore me. I rarely alter anything that I mention out loud. Change, for me, is born of severe resolve, so intense that I've no time for words, only action. I once thought that I refused to speak about my decisions out of fear of failure, or worse, because of uncertainty. Now I know that I go about transformation quietly because of the concentration required and radical demand placed on me by the object or subject of my difference. Maybe this is why Jesus condemns the verbose pray-er in Matthew 6:7; the Master knows that much talk serves as a smokescreen for little fortitude. Beware the language of intention. If I speak, let it be to encourage the change in you. If I'm silent, let it be to summon change in myself. Better to move silently from action plan to action plan in pursuit of a gripping goal, than to enlist a support group of sympathetic dreamers. 

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