Thursday, January 09, 2014

Wrestling with Shadows

Much of my energy is expended wrestling  with shadows.  Granted, that may sound strange coming from a follower of the Light of the World.  After all, Jesus said that he is light, making me a child of the Light.  Herein lies the crux of the problem.  Wherever light exists shadows are inevitable.  Anything allowed to come between an object below and a source of light above casts an inescapable shadow.  And to be quite honest, shadow wrestling is entirely of my own doing.  Any shadows darkening my existence are there because I've allowed an object to intrude between myself and the Lord who is my life.  Will this be a passing cloud or something lodged there long term due to my own obstinence? Shadows by nature elongate and distort their objects of origin, so the pressing matter for me is to identify the habits, choices, emotions, vices, etc., that I tolerate and eradicate them so that once again I may "walk in the light as he is in the light," (1 John 1:7 NIV) and stop this shadow boxing.

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