Friday, November 09, 2012

When Good People Disagree

Today a good friend confronted me over my latest blog containing strong political opinion and expressed his concern that my post painted him into a moral corner inappropriately. He insisted on a direction diametrically opposed to my own insistence and was both gracious and courageous enough to own the difference out loud so as not to allow the differences to nullify the common ground of relationship. In other words, we reaffirmed our convictions and our friendship at the selfsame time. Could this be the proper tact when good people disagree? Is it possible to hold conviction and another's heart with equal sanctity? This is a good reminder to me that authentic friendship allows honest debate and substantiates relationship as a cardinal virtue. No doubt more debate awaits our next conversation, but the sharp edge of opinion will be softened (not dulled) by grace and mutual respect.

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