Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Muscle Memory

Is there anything to be said in favor of going through the motions? A response in the affirmative may be stated in two words -- muscle memory. When you need it, the tedious repetition kicks in and gets you through the rough spot. Athletes know that well executed repetition is their greatest ally when the stress level is high and victory on the line. They trust their muscles to flex and respond on demand without conscious effort. Discipleship, too, requires a great deal of 'muscle memory,' holy rehearsal that results in pushing through the monotonous and mundane that constitutes much of what we call spirituality. Habits formed by praying when we don't feel like it, reading Scripture when we're bored with it, and living by faith when all evidence screams and pulls to the contrary, steel us for whatever lies ahead. Sanctification should never be measured by emotion at any given moment, but by the residual effect of spiritual muscle memory.

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