Thursday, February 17, 2011

Worship is Awareness

Worship is awareness, not activity. When understood in reverse, the focus of worship shifts to the activity itself rather the Lord God Almighty Himself. Herein lies the terrible crux of "worship wars." When battling over modes of worship or styles of music in worship we march proudly away from God's presence and slink into an unrecognized but, nonetheless, incipient self-worship. Attention moves from the Creator to our own fervor, our loudness, our physical expression, our music theory, or any number of details that distract. Scripture offers a multitude of worship postures and expressions, but never loses sight of Holy God. Remember, worship is always a reaction rather than initiation--I see God, I hear God, I know God is near, and therefore I respond to Him. Worship as initiation is idolatry and always produces preoccupation with form rather than substance. "Be still and know that I am God."

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