Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Business Cards

I love my job, partly because of the many interesting people I meet in my line of work. As a case in point, my university role took me to Chicago last week where I was introduced to outstanding leaders at both private and public institutions from literally all across the nation. One thing I learned early on was to carry plenty of business cards with me to such gatherings. That's because the introduction protocol goes something like this: I greet you and you look at my name tag. I pronounce my name for you because you've never seen a name spelled like mine. You ask what I do and I tell you that I am Associate Vice President for Development. Perfectly timed with my disclosure I slip a business card from my pocket and hand it over to you. You look at my card and then you repeat the procedure and I receive your name and card. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this ritual, so long as we keep it in the right perspective. The inherent weakness is that we may leave the encounter identifying one another by our positions and profession rather than getting to know the person behind the name tag and colorful card.

I admit that I'm delusional in many respects and have been for some time. I've operated under the illusion of being a pastor, a missionary, college professor, a development professional. I call this business card identity, and if I'm not careful I lose something in the process, reducing myself to whatever title my card states at that time. We are not what we do for a living. You and I are so much more than what can be described on a 1" x 3" rectangle of branded card stock; we are image bearers, kingdom citizens, called out ones. What I happen to do at any given moment for the purpose of providing for my needs and those of my family doesn't count for much in light of eternity. What matters is that I see myself as God sees me, and I am convinced that He never views me in terms of my employment. Revelation comes as I display the character of Christ, demonstrate the love of Christ, and embrace the joy of knowing Christ for myself. Irrespective of activity and way beyond appearance, I am nothing more and nothing less than a grace laden sinner who has found favor with the Creator of the universe. Try to get that on a business card. 

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
(Galatians 2:20, KJV)

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