Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Recognizing Ourselves

Funny how little things can lead to bigger things, and sometimes bigger things to still larger truths.  Life has a way of teaching us about ourselves when we least expect it, and this may be the truest path of self discovery that I've stumbled upon. I seldom enjoy great internal awareness when contemplating in silence the reason I am and who it is that's doing the meditating. Instead, insight dawns while crossing a busy parking lot hand in hand with a grandchild, or standing to speak before a small congregation consisting of a mixed bag of struggling individuals, or watching an owl chase a hawk away from her nest laden with owlets. These were the moments this weekend when I came face to face with myself and remembered in a new way that I am Papa--securing for my grandchildren a safe place from which to explore and succeed and fail; I am partner--knowing who I am only becomes important when I see my narrative as helping to write that of others; I am protector-- we protect who and what we love and these objects of our commitment reveal the most about the nature of our own hearts. Like examining baby pictures and debating who the infant most resembles, self-understanding comes into focus gradually and progressively if we are astute enough to recognize ourselves in the commonplace. 

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