Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Is the Grass Greener?

Beware the bovine trap of greener grass. I know you've watched it. A heifer surrounded by ample supplies of coastal or alfalfa, stretches and strains through angry wire in order to get at what remains just out of reach. You've also watched it played out in the human arena: Marriage, Business, Family, Friendships. Not satisfied with what lies at hand, we grope toward what will never be fully ours, or if by some twist it becomes ours, will never satisfy. What Nancy C. Anderson calls the "Greener Grass Syndrome" is an addiction that destroys joy and service. Thankfully, there is an antidote for this lure of the other. That powerful potion is uncloistered by the word "enough." This moment is enough, you are enough, I am enough. Christ is more than enough. Why is contentment important? Or, is it?  Actually, it's essential to everything that matters. Satisfaction with the grass on my side of the fence is the very thing that allows me to recognize the needs on the other side. Buechner reminds us:  
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” 

The resolution of my lust is the beginning of all selfless ministry.

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