Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Reason with Grief

You can't reason with grief. Every evidence indicates my father- in- law will soon lose his struggle with Alzheimer's.  He's been declining for more than two years, so logic declares that this is for the better. Reason chimes in that Poppi really left us some time ago.  And theology whispers he'll soon be in a better place.  I cannot and would not argue against logic, reason, or theology. The fact of the matter is, I agree. Alzheimer's is an insidious mystery and release from its ghastly grip can be nothing but positive.  Having admitted all associated truth, the intense sense of loss weighs heavy.  It hurts to lose a family member we love. It wounds to know we'll never see him again in this life.  Try as I might, I can't reason with grief.

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