Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Choice Has Never Been More Clear

Barack Obama did offer one truth at the Democratic National Convention in the middle of a mountain of half truths, twisted truths and blatant untruths. That one statement was that in this election, the choice has never been more clear. Focus on whatever issue one chooses, the paths delineated by the Democratic party and the Republican party differ widely--the Democratic platform leads radically to the left; the Republican party leads strongly to the right. And while many speak only of economic recession and resurgence, the most critical contrast for me in this election is a moral one. The official Democratic Party platform aggressively promotes same-sex marriage and abortion on demand. The official Republican Party platform stands upon and promotes traditional family values and the sanctity of human life. Obamacare demands institutions to relinquish freedom of religion, while Republicans fight to defend it. It is obvious to me that this then is a moral divide and that to vote for a Democratic candidate is an immoral choice.

So, finally after a term as a failed leader, we have heard Mr. Obama utter truth. Ours is a clear choice. But more significantly, ours is a moral choice. For me, I choose traditional morality and that means I will cast my vote for morality in America on November 6 by electing Mitt Romney as the next president of this one nation under God.

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