For me, fishing is an excuse, not a reason. Without my ever uttering a word, God delivered me from the mindset of a serious fisherman and answered my voiceless prayer of rendering me fishless so that I might the greater enjoy being near fish. Fish who are more to me like untamed pets than potential dinner entrees. Don't get me wrong--the occasional tug on rodtip and straightening of line can inspire and encourage visions, but fishing for me will always serve as an appetizer for the more appetizing main course. My delight is embracing the Creator in God's most earthly indigenous state--in the center of nature, wide and wonderful and in technicolor. At this very moment water swirls with curious and hungry fish between me and the horizon, but it is the horizon that calls to me. Gun barrel blue clouds kneel near fuzzy dark green tips of hardwood and too many pines. Slaps of water nearby vie for my attention, but lavender skies scratched by vapor trails and disturbed by flocks of growling herons win my fascination. Fishing is real and hopeful, but rivers, lakes and forests inspire thought of what lies beyond what one can see. Take me to secluded spots to wave the rod, but allow me to contemplate the Artist who painted all I see. Shifting watery reflections refer to images seen and unseen and to the One who gifts both kinds of sight. An invitation more sensed than spoken: "Lay rod and reel aside, be still and know that I am the Artist."